O U R  P R O J E C T S

Little Engine Projects seek to mitigate the (impact) of systemic barriers and improve the quality of life for individuals and communities that are historically left out, oppressed, and suppressed. We are committed to creating equitable resources, products, experiences, and opportunities to assuage existential stress and generational trauma.

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T H E  L I N E A G E  O F  L O V E

The premise of The Lineage of Love is to awaken to your innate powers through ancestral veneration. The purpose of this book is to equip those ready to take the journey of the soul with the tools, principles, and resources needed to catapult your healing. People born of African descent have most often been brutally disconnected from our spiritual systems, traditions, and practices, which continue to be vilified.  This jarring disconnection has resulted in generations of brilliant, creative humans painfully coping with the ways of the world while disconnected from the core truth of who we are.  What happened can not be undone but within us is the power to reconnect to a stolen birthright and live in accordance with the power vested in each of us.

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