The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of goodness.
Endless gratitude is what I have for the people and experiences placed in my life. 2020 has been interesting so far. I think we were all excited about the fresh breath of this year and perhaps not prepared for the profound sense of joy and grief that would co-exist universally. People are transitioning– from earth– seemingly untimely. Life here on earth is transitioning in its own way as well.
I am honoring existence in ways that I have not before. Often futuristic in my thoughts, I’ve been focusing more on living in the moment. Accepting each moment as it arrives, for better or worse. I’ve been relinquishing my desires and surrendering to the vows that I made in heaven before incarnation. The sacred promises that detail why I’m here. My loved ones have been pouring into me in ways I deserve but often block.
My friend invited me to join her in a 21 Days of Abundance group. Today is Day 16– “I remember to be grateful.” is the meditation for today. As I remember to be grateful, I can feel the fullness of love permeating through me. Typically when I am overwhelmed with emotion (though joyful), I write.
Today I remember to be grateful.
Today I remember to be grateful.
Today I remember to be grateful.
p.s. On Sunday, I took a trip of a lifetime to Arizona. I did not know it would be a trip of a lifetime. I thought it would just be a nice trip. Everything was so perfectly aligned. Sedona rocked my world. As I look back at photos of myself on the top of Cathedral Rock, taking in the most beautiful views, It reminds me that it took something to get there– to the top of that rock. It took trust, strength, persistence. There was a moment while scaling a wall I thought about turning around. I’m so happy that I didn’t. Today, in all my gratitude, I celebrate every personal mountain I’ve ever had to climb. For the mountains that I will be climbing–I trust the view will be beautiful, and even more so I believe that the journey will be fascinating too. It’ll be worth it. Every. Single. Time. The journey rarely gets as much glory as the destination does, but that’s all shifting for me. I am making a promise to me, never to diminish what it took to get to where I am in the present moment.
soundtrack: “MaNyfaCedGod” Jay-Z, James Blake