Immense gratitude to all of you who pre-ordered #thelineageoflovebook it’s been such a joy to see you receiving your books, hearing your reflections, signing your book, hugging you at the signing, and learning about the family and friends that you’ve shared with. Thank you! Modupe!
When The Lineage of Love felt complete and as I worked toward bringing the finished project to life through design, printing, etc. so much was shifting in and around me. There was also so much transition. My Uncle Brian and my Grandma Lee transitioned. I offered my book dedication to the memory of my Grandmothers. It was a fitting consolation after a deep, loud, heartfelt cry at my dining room table weeks after my Grandmother had transitioned. It was like the grief had finally hit me and it knocked me over.
A few of my friends’ loss dear ones. My cousin’s Dad transitioned. My Godfather’s mother. One of my doula babies, her dad…
So much death.
I re-read The Lineage of Love and the timing felt apropos. The design melted my heart. I held a draft of the paperback in my hand and it felt surreal.
Then Malidoma Patrice Somè joined the ancestors. He and his late wife, Sobunfu Somè offered so much to me through their writing. I aspired to tell stories in such a meaningful way.
Later that week bell hooks transitioned…
I had a conversation with a friend that evening and the theme was “we are the elders” no one else is coming and our teachers are transitioning.
Sharing this work, these stories no longer felt like a command it had become a demand. There were a few authors that I shared as references in the back of my book and two of them literally just became ancestors.
A great tree had fallen when Sidney Poitier died. ‘The Measure of a Man’ I read that book cover to cover and cover to cover again. Sidney Poitier sparked something within me to strive for greatness. ‘True Love’ is another one of my favorites. It sits on my nightstand and every so often I pick it up and read it in one sitting. It’s a small book that’s packed with powerful gems. I edited so much out of The Lineage of Love because I wanted it to be an easy read. Something that people can sit on their nightstand and reread time and time again. Thich Nhat Hanh inspired the style, size, and content of my debut. He transitioned the same week as Sidney Poitier.
I ordered a bulk shipment of books. I’ll do a pre-order everything isn’t perfect but I’ll just go with it and perfect it as I go. That’s what I told myself.
I was sitting at my dining room table, in the same seat I was in when grief had overcome me. I am actually sitting here now. Anyway, this time I was on a work zoom. My doorbell rang and I glanced out the window only to see a love wrapped in sunshine holding sunflowers. Michelle surprised me with a visit. Her father had recently transitioned and she was bringing ME FLOWERS ?!! we stood in my doorway hugging, squealing, squeezing, and laughing. I handed her a copy of The Lineage of Love and she told me it was time. “We ain’t here forever. We have to leave our imprint.”
So when y’all took the time to click the link in my bio, order a book, share with friends, post on your pages, send me a note, a photo, a video of your unpackaging, or simply a word, comment, or thought of encouragement know that you planted a seed that will bloom in the name of those who are now ancestors and in preparation for those yet to be born. It’s time. I love you! on God!