Cherish life not in a significant way, as in don’t take life too serious no one will come out alive. Cherish life like have fun, get messy, make mistakes, do the things that press upon your heart to do. Love big, forgive someone, forgive yourself, actually just forgive everyone for everything! Let yourself be loved,…
Monthly Archives: November 2018
Have you ever noticed the way plants lean toward the sun, mainly when they are longing for light? And because the sun is so generous, it never ceases to give. That’s been me to you in this phase of my life. As much as I am a sunbeam to the sun, generating my own light….
my parental unit came to visit me. they got to see my new house. they treated me to a new washer and dryer. they told me just how proud of me they were and it made me feel really good because on most days adulting is hard. it was nice to just be the child…
No way of being, belief or construct is fixed. By fixed I am really speaking of the word as defined by predetermined and not subject to or able to change. We often operate in such a definite way and we justify it by saying things like “well this is just who I am!” I’ve been…
Objectively looking at life, if there is an obstacle in the way of my greatest desire I typically find that it is I. Rarely do I find it necessary to look outside of myself. Sometimes it’s a thought, belief or subconscious way of being that has me forfeit or sabotage what it is I say…