Tag Archives: astrology

God’s Beautiful One. Me.

I haven’t written in a while, besides life’ing I realize that I was internally bothered by a comment someone left on my last post. I did not go back to reread as I write this, so my response is only my interpretation. I do not know the person. They appeared to have shown up on…


Boundaries are a bit of a buzz phrase these days, in the conversations pertaining to self-care and self-love I often hear people discuss having boundaries. my dearest SJR said in a sermon “you don’t need edge entity, you need boundaries.” I have seen many of post and memes on edges growing back, and skin flourishing…


Boundaries are a bit of a buzz phrase these days, in the conversations pertaining to self-care and self-love I often hear people discuss having boundaries. my dearest SJR said in a sermon “you don’t need edge entity, you need boundaries.” I have seen many of post and memes on edges growing back, and skin flourishing…

february 2019.

February, oh February. Though the month is not over yet, technically, I still feel confident in labeling it a game changer for me. This month has been overflowing with an abundance of love, nurturing, transformation, insight, emotional vulnerability, clarity, tough conversations, and a breath of fresh air in so many aspects of my life. One…

the width of life.

No way of being, belief or construct is fixed. By fixed I am really speaking of the word as defined by predetermined and not subject to or able to change. We often operate in such a definite way and we justify it by saying things like “well this is just who I am!” I’ve been…

there is no mountaintop

in the middle of eclipse and retrograde season. i do not know if i’m coming or going some days. things are moving slow but things are certainly moving. traumas are being revealed. ancestral traumas are being healed. i am at most in the drivers seat of my healing and my creations. and at the very…

there is no mountaintop

in the middle of eclipse and retrograde season. i do not know if i’m coming or going some days. things are moving slow but things are certainly moving. traumas are being revealed. ancestral traumas are being healed. i am at most in the drivers seat of my healing and my creations. and at the very…

the stars have aligned.

Mercury stationed direct. whew. The new moon is in Aries, the beginning of a new lunar year. Beyoncè just resurrected my whole entire life. and I’m feeling like a weight lifted. The air around me is lighter. The vision is clearer. The inspiration is imminent. I am overjoyed. While Mercury Rx was tough for me,…